All Things Sustainable

ecology, economy, community

Intergenerational Theft

Senator Christine Milne, leader of the Australian Greens speaks about the repeal of the carbon price. I can only say that I absolutely agree with every word. And I am not alone in that.

Quote taken from the online paper The Conversation:

“When the clean energy bill was introduced in 2012, there was a significant and immediate reduction in the emissions intensity of Australia’s electricity production. The improvement was due to a shift away from brown coal and an increase in gas and hydro power. In 2012, emissions from the National Electricity Market were 95 megatonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Now they are 85 megatonnes per year, a reduction of 12%.

“This change has been driven by the price on carbon, as well as declining demand (driven by the increasing retail price in electricity, the decline in the manufacturing sector and increasing uptake in rooftop solar panels) and increasing wind power (due to the Renewable Energy Target). The cost of this shift is carried primarily by the largest emitters who have seen their revenue slashed, which is exactly what the price on carbon was supposed to do.”
Roger Dargaville, Senior Energy Analyst, Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne