All Things Sustainable

ecology, economy, community

30kms Dinner in Cobargo

Growing the Vegies for Cobargo’s 30km dinner

The Well Thumbed Bookshop will auspice the first Cobargo 30km dinner 0n 15th March 2013.  To make sure that it will happen about fifteen keen residents from the area gathered at the bookshop to start the planning and alert producers large and small to sow and grow and reserve everything needed for the dinner. Everything except the salt, pepper, flour, tea, coffee, sugar, salad vinegar and jelly will be grown or produced within a 30 kilometer radius of Cobargo and the chefs, cooks, dishwashers, waiters etc will all be local to the area as well.

The number attending will be limited to a maximum of 120 and the call is out to the residents and businesses to start growing produce for the event. The menu has been outlined but some things will undoubtedly change as the vagaries of the weather dictate the availability of the produce.

The locally grown and produced quality wines, locally made beer and homemade cordial will complement a range of dishes on a menu put together with consideration for local seasonal fruits and foods.